Features of 3D Quill

Intuitive 3D interface

The perfect solution for professionals. It replicates natural hand movements in three-dimensional space. Enhances efficiency and precision in advanced spatial projects.

No need for VR goggles

Extended hours of work for a professional designer using VR goggles are not feasible. In consideration of eye health, our solution allows for the use of any screen, including VR goggles, during recreational time in a virtual reality environment.

Magnetic technology

The device consists of only two components, eliminating the need for additional cameras and direct visibility of the stylus by the base, making installation and application in various workspaces easier.

2mm measurement accuracy

The position of the measurement end equipped with a pressure sensor can be determined with a precision of 2mm. This enables quick measurement of objects you want to incorporate into your design.


About 3D Quill

Unleash Your Creativity with the 3D Stylus – Design in 3D!
Tired of limited 2D interfaces hindering your design efficiency? Introducing the 3D Stylus! Explore a world of three-dimensional possibilities and reduce project time. Create effortlessly in an intuitive, natural way.
Experience limitless creativity with our innovative positioning technology. The 3D Stylus provides unmatched freedom in any work environment.


Unleash the boundless potential of 3D design like never before! Say goodbye to time-consuming limitations and embrace a revolutionary era in the world of design! With the remarkable 3D Stylus at your fingertips, prepare to witness unparalleled performance and unleash your inner creativity like never before. Step into a realm where your imagination knows no bounds – experience the true essence of creative freedom! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your design process and elevate your artistic vision to new heights.


The freedom of designing in three-dimensional space is within your grasp. Experience the intuitive freedom of our interface right now.
Feature available with 3D Quill stylus.


„3D stylus – Intuicyjny przenośny trójosiowy interfejs użytkownika bazujący na innowacyjnej metodzie pozycjonowania” Nr. POIR 01.03.01-00-0032/17
Projekt realizowany przez VR SENSE sp. z o.o. został sfinansowany w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, Działanie 1.3: Prace B+R finansowane z udziałem funduszy kapitałowych, Poddziałanie 1.3.1: Wsparcie projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w fazie preseed przez fundusze typu proof of concept – BRIdge Alfa

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